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Tracking Disqus comments in Google Analytics

Another quick memo/tip. Next time your implementing Disqus comments in your site, don’t miss out on tracking new comments through Google Analytics with events.

function disqus_config() {
	this.callbacks.onNewComment = [function() {
		ga('send', 'event', 'Posts', 'New Comment');

Add the above into your Disqus config and adapt the Google event descriptions as you wish. Note the above is using Google Universal Analytics. If you wanted to do this using previous tracking code using _gaq the following would be appropriate.

function disqus_config() {
	this.callbacks.onNewComment = [function() {
		_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Posts', 'Comment']);

Source: Disqus Help Docs

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Toby Foord - Web Developer

Hi, I'm Toby Foord. A 28 year old developer, wannabe designer, husband, and dad. I ocassionally commit, once in a while I tweet, and on a blue moon I might chat.