Syntax Highlighting with Highlight.js
As I’ve said before this blog started as a minimum viable product and because of this I was up and running in a matter of hours. This method does slow you down after the initial push though. The latest example being the want to provide code snippets with syntax highlighting.
Back to work with Prose.io - a quick review
A month into fatherhood and I figure it’s about time to get back into the website.
SamKnows ISP Hunters
I just recieved an email confirming my enrolement to the SamKnows Broadband Performance Measurement Study! I think I applied for this over a year ago but still. Woop!
Gone Dashless
OSX has been plagued by the ridiculous dashboard widgety nonsense since long before I joined the team, but until recently It left me alone and so too I it.
The Tech Behind
Lights, Camera… This is take three, I’ve been at this point twice before. The decision to start up a blog is far too easy, the effort to maintain however is far harder. I love the idea of blogging, the public ponderings and musings entices me, and who’s to say I don’t have great ideas worth hearing, for me the reason to blog is quite simple, and twofold: